The carpet arrives in one week, and hopefully the installation won't take TOO long. I'll be in town, though, when that's happening, so hopefully by the time I get home the carpet fairies will have swooshed in, waved their magic wands, and left again effortlessly. Oooh, I can't wait for the feel of nice, new, soft carpet under my feet!
In other news, we watched Angels and Demons tonight. It was great. And even though the twists didn't show up until the end, they were INCREDIBLE! I can usually figure out the "bad guy" but I was SO SNOWED by this one, until the very end. I like that; it gets a bit boring when you're watching a movie and already have everyone sorted as to who's what in the first ten minutes.
In MORE other news, I made my first loaf of bread today! My friend Emma gave me her bread machine --I'd JUST mentioned a few weeks ago how I'd wanted one, and here she comes with it Saturday afternoon! She'd even prepared me the basic ingredients for a plain white loaf, and included a packet of yeast! Emma's SO awesome. So I had a chance to fiddle with the new machine today, and in less than four hours, I had my very first loaf of bread! The kitchen smelled DELICIOUS, and I felt like Betty Crocker ALL. DAY. LONG. In fact, I need to look in my Better Homes and Gardens cookbook, and see if there are any bread machine bread recipes in there?! NOM.
Okie dokie, I'm running along for now, but I'll write again soon. I'll leave you with a picture of the Two Cats from earlier this year: