This has been a draining week.
I've been trying to figure out how to word what's been going on this week; I suppose I'll just have to out and write it down to really get it to make any sense. I don't think anyone involved would be reading this --it wouldn't matter if they did, anyway, it's not like it's a bad thing, or a big, dark secret-- but all the same, since I'm still in the decision making process I'd rather wait until I know my decision WITHOUT A DOUBT before I go writing about it.
Well, I'd like to wait a bit before writing about it in any way other than hugely cryptic sentences, that is!
I'll post about it soon enough; I've pretty much made my decision, I just need to think it over and consider it as the big picture in progress. We'll see.
/fingers crossed
Gotta love hugely cryptic sentences!
Hahahah, yeah. ;)
Well, I've been asked to head up a committee when the current head steps down at the end of the year. It'll be a big responsibility, but it's a great group of people, an activity I enjoy, and would look STUNNING on UK CV's and US resumes!
That's a GREAT WAY to sum it up, only I couldn't think of that description hours ago when I was falling asleep at my computer!!
Oh, and the exhaustion comes from the sheer amount of thinking I've been putting into whether or not I REALLY want to do this, stepping up my activity with the group so I know what all is involved, and having to get up at the BUTT CRACK OF DAWN to get into town to DO it all!!
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