And they're doing a cracking job.
The downstairs toilet, the half bath, the cloakroom, whatever you want to call it, that's what we're having redone at the moment. When The Boy moved into this house oh those many moons ago, the little downstairs cloakroom was clad in orange TEXTURED carpet, with an ORANGE sink and an ORANGE toilet. I suppose it was more a terracotta color, but ugly is ugly, no matter WHAT name you give it! The sink was too tiny to be functional, and you needed to be a weightlifter in order to have enough strength to flush the toilet. The COLORS, too, just made an already small room look EVEN SMALLER. Add a strip of really ugly coat hooks along the length of one wall, and you had a disaster of a room!
For the longest time we've talked about changing it, but we were complacent, and just never got around to doing it. But now, seeing as we are about to sell our house for our big move (back) across the pond, what we "would like to do some day" has become a vital necessity for marketing our house.
For the years that I've been here, I've seen around the area a red van belonging to a local company. We needed some general repairs done, and had them round to give us an estimate. While they were here, we showed them the bathroom and asked for an estimate for that, as well. They gave us a reasonable price, so we scheduled the work to be started today.
So the guys are downstairs now gutting the little room, ripping out that nasty, yucky orange carpet, pulling out the UGLY cabinet someone had knocked up in a hurry to sit the sink on, and GETTING RID of that awful orange toilet!
In case no one believes me about just HOW DISMAL it was in there, I have pictures!

(Mind you, the walls look like that because we've just recently ripped the painted over wallpaper off of the walls in there, and taken out all of the FUGLY tiles!!)
I've got some high hopes for that little bathroom, and I think we'll see it REALLY come together. When the tiling and suite installation is finished in there and it's time to paint, we'll go with a really nice, soft white to lighten the room. I'm DEFINITELY excited to know that it's all starting to take shape!
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